It is possible to have sexual intercourse with an inflammation of the prostate

Do men who have been diagnosed with inflammation of the prostate wonder if it is possible to have sex with prostatitis? But before you get an answer, you need to understand what kind of disease it is and what causes it can cause.

referral to a prostatitis specialist

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. Most often, the cause of inflammation is a bacterial infection that has entered the prostate through the urethra. However, for inflammation to take effect, sometimes an infection is not enough. Prostate disease can provoke the following factors:

  • work associated with constant sitting, hypodynamic lifestyle;
  • stool disorders, in the form of frequent constipation;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • lack of intimacy for a long time or an excessive amount of it;
  • obesity, overeating, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking, spicy food, constant stress;

The prostate is a gland that measures 3 by 4 centimeters and weighs up to 25 grams. It secretes a secret that has a bactericidal effect. Therefore, it is believed that inflammation occurs more often with congestion in the organ, when its function is impaired and the secret loses its properties. It is at this time that an infection is connected, which aggravates the picture. But how to deal with congestion so as not to provoke the development of the disease?

Expert opinion

Not so long ago, doctors came to the conclusion that sex can be considered the best medicine that can be thought of in the treatment of prostatitis and for its prevention. Experts today are increasingly in agreement that with prostatitis it is possible and necessary to have sex, and that this is extremely useful.

During sexual intercourse, with the onset of orgasm, there is an active and strong contraction of the prostate muscles. It turns out a kind of massage, which increases blood flow to the gland. And this favorably affects his condition, eliminates the causes of the disease and reduces recovery time.

Prostatitis cannot be considered a sexually transmitted disease, as it is a purely male pathology. But if the inflammation is caused by any bacteriological infection, it is worth using a condom during intercourse in order not to transmit pathogenic microbes to the partner.

Also, you can't stop having sex while sick. Withdrawal from inflammation of the prostate can also be dangerous, because complications can develop due to the stagnation of the secret produced by the gland. In addition, withdrawal can cause swelling of the gland and the formation of blood clots caused by blood stasis.

Sexual treatment

When a man has unpleasant symptoms that question his masculine strength, he can experience depression. He develops irritability, excessive nervousness, disturbed appetite, stops feeling needed. In addition, a man begins to suffer from insomnia, there is a lack of sexual desire.

pain in a man with prostatitis

A woman in such a situation should not step aside, but be as delicate as possible, help a man and not let him get sick with all the thoughts of her. Only in this case it is possible to restore harmonious sexual relations.

Since there is irrefutable evidence of the beneficial effect of sexual intercourse on treating inflammation of the gland, it is important to do it correctly, without harming the body. Therefore, one should not rush to extremes. Everything should be in moderation. Having sex during treatment should not be elevated to the rank of priority. However, the main treatment should be the drug, and this method should play a supporting role.

To effectively get rid of the disease, you should listen to the recommendations:

  • First, sex with prostatitis should be regular. The problem cannot be solved if you only have intimacy 1 or 2 times in a month. But even daily "procedures" can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. According to doctors, the golden mean is important in this matter, depending on the age of the man and his state of health. On average, the frequency of intercourse applicable to all ages is 2-3 times a week. Oral sex, in order not to bring a new infection to yourself or your partner, is only possible with a condom.
  • Secondly, during the treatment of prostatitis, it is forbidden to change sexual partners, as the body is weakened and the likelihood of a new infection increases, due to the possible entry of new microflora into the reproductive system. It may contain pathogens for which antibodies have not yet been developed and, since inflammation is already present, it can be dangerous.
  • Thirdly, those who do not have a permanent partner for intimacy, or those who do not have one at all (single men), are advised not to enter into casual relationships and not to wait for stagnation, which can lead to illness. The only way out in this situation is masturbation. Although this method, for unknown reasons, is considered something reprehensible in society, it is capable of freeing the gland from stagnation. Masturbation also helps to disperse stagnant blood in the pelvic organs and the gland, thanks to this procedure, receives the necessary massage. But, as with the frequency of sexual intercourse, masturbation shouldn't be overdone. The normal complacency mode is 2-3 times a week.
  • Fourthly, the practice of coitus interruptus should be avoided, as they contribute to the slow outflow of blood from the male genitals, as a result, small capillary ruptures appear in the penis, and blood thickens in the prostate.

Acute prostatitis and sex

In acute prostatitis, a man experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen, as well as pain that radiates to the genitals and perineum. At the same time, the body temperature can rise up to 39 degrees, and in severe cases, even higher.

high fever with prostatitis

Pain is pursued not only during bladder emptying, but also at rest. Therefore, in such a situation, the patient is unlikely to desire intimacy.

But if you arrange competent treatment, then after a couple of days the patient may feel better. Only after that, it is recommended to relieve stagnation, the treatment of prostatitis with sex.

Additional treatment measures

In addition to regular sex, it is advisable to use a permissible set of physical exercises (you will not have to pull the "iron" in the gym), to prevent congestion of the prostate organ:

  1. It is easy to perform this exercise anywhere: at work, in transport, driving, lying on the bed at home, etc. To do this, you need to take a deep breath and inflate the stomach. After holding your breath for 10-12 seconds, exhale (through the stomach). In this case, it is necessary to aspirate the stomach as much as possible, so that, as it were, it "enters" the spine. You need to repeat 3 to 7 times. During the day, you need to do 3 sets.
  2. Similar to the first, the exercise does not require a special seat and can be performed in any position: sitting, lying or standing. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to strongly retract the anus and remain in this position for 7-10 seconds. This should be done three times and throughout the day - several approaches.
  3. Next exercise: stand up, shift your weight onto your left leg and swing your right leg back and forth. Start with 40 swings and work your way up to 100. Do the same for the left leg. In addition, it is recommended to perform the exercise 3 times a day.
  4. While standing, alternately tilt left and right, up to 30 times in one direction.
  5. This exercise is very important as it stretches the hip adductors. It is necessary to do a straight split, be sure to secure with your hands and spread your legs to the sides to the maximum distance. It is not necessary to sit on the ground. The main thing at the lowest possible point is to repair for 20-30 seconds. Whenever you have to try to spread your legs.
  6. Sitting on the floor with your legs stretched forward, bring your buttocks forward and then back. Each glute has to step 30 to 50 times.
  7. Lie on your back, raise your pelvis, bending your spine, resting your head on the floor. Lock in this position for 10 seconds Repeat 10 times.
  8. This exercise is known to everyone since kindergarten and is called the "boat". To do this, you need to lie on your stomach and put your hands behind your head. Arch your back as you lift your legs and chest straight so that the support stays only on your stomach. It is necessary to linger in this position until the time for fatigue comes. Repeat 3 times.
  9. Lie on your stomach on the ball. Roll the ball for 5 minutes, adjusting the pressure of the body on it with your hands.
  10. Sitting on the floor with your legs straight, try to reach your feet with your hands. If possible, take your fingers. Hold this position for 10 seconds. You should devote 3-5 minutes a day to this exercise.
  11. Exercise of the school years - "birch". Supporting his lower back with his hands and resting his head on the floor, he lifts his legs. Hold for a few seconds (with increased pressure, this exercise cannot be performed).
  12. The last exercise will be a deep squat, with the legs shoulder-width apart. Squats should be performed slowly and their number should be between 5 and 7.


For the prevention of prostatitis, especially for men at risk (employed with sedentary work, as well as those who work in a cold or humid environment and are exposed to hypothermia, long-haul drivers, etc. ), it is recommended to follow some rules:

  • For a man of any age, physical activity is very important. A visit to the gym is not mandatory, but recommended. If you have a sedentary job, you need to set aside time each day for walking or jogging. This will improve blood circulation in the pelvis and reduce the likelihood of stagnation;
  • as mentioned above, sex plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of the disease. Important regular and measured sexual contacts without perversions and excesses;
  • it is necessary to eat foods that are beneficial for the body as a whole and for the prostate. The diet should include: fish and meat (low-fat varieties), fruits and vegetables, dairy products, compotes, juices and honey, as well as various seafood. You should refuse or limit the use of alcohol, sodas, onions and garlic, peppers and mushrooms.
  • hypothermia is also a factor in the development of inflammation of the prostate, which should be avoided. Avoid exposure to drafts and wear warm clothes;
  • stress and overwork cause a decrease in immunity, and as a result, the body's defenses are reduced. It is necessary to take care of a good sleep and avoid nervous situations;
  • a good toning effect has a contrast shower. This procedure improves immunity and improves blood circulation;
  • Regular visits to the urologist can detect the disease in the early stages. It is much easier to cure a disease that has just started than an already developed pathology. If a man has previously been diagnosed with prostatitis, it is advisable to have a second examination every 3 months, in the first year. In subsequent years it is enough to visit a urologist once every six months.

Therefore, prevention is an important condition for keeping men's health in shape. An important condition for prevention is also a regular sex life. According to statistics, men who have sex at least 2 times a week (with a regular partner) contract prostatitis less often than 60%.